Clinical Webcasts

NPWT - A Review - On-Demand

NPWT - A Review - On-Demand

NPWT - A Review 
1.0 contact hour*

This training course will describe the indications and contraindications of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy along with the components of NPWT devices. Participants will gain a better understanding of the science behind NPWT to better support the rationale for use in clinical practice.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training module you will be able to:

  • State the definition and usage of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)
  • Describe the components of a NPWT system
  • State the modes of action for NPWT
  • Describe the clinical benefits of NPWT
  • Explore the future of NPWT

Target Audience:
This series provides everything needed to refresh a wound care support team or help coach floor nurses, home care nurses and telehealth partners.

CE Credit: 
To receive the contact hour this webcast must be viewed in its entirety, as well as the completion of the test.

*1.0 Contact hour for: Registered Nurse
California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #13692
Case Managers (PACE)- Approval #190003975 
Social Workers- Approval # 886765136-2957
Florida – Approval #20-631617

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