Clinical Webcasts > Lower Leg Ulcers

Differentiation of Chronic Lower Leg Ulcers - On-Demand

Differentiation of Chronic Lower Leg Ulcers - On-Demand

Differentiation of Chronic Lower Leg Ulcers
1.0 contact hour*

This training will discuss the management of patients with lower leg ulcers and wound assessment as it relates to chronic lower leg ulcers. The course will review the management of Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU), Arterial Ulcers, and Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU).

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this training module you will be able to:

  • List common types of lower extremity ulcers
  • Identify risk factors and medical history associated with different types of lower extremity ulcer
  • Describe how to differentially diagnose lower extremity ulcers
  • Identify classic characteristics
  • Describe diagnostic techniques
  • Identify how interventions and management strategies for different types of lower extremity ulcer differ

Target Audience:
This series provides everything needed to refresh a wound care support team or help coach floor nurses, home care nurses and telehealth partners.

CE Credit: 
To receive the contact hour this webcast must be viewed in its entirety, as well as the completion of the test.

*1.0 Contact hour for: Registered Nurse
California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #13692
Florida Approval # 20-700297

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